Press Kit

About Apple Box Children's Theater

Apple Box Children’s Theater (ABC) is a community theater that provides an affordable venue to put every child—regardless of race, creed, gender, or ability—on stage in order to boost their confidence, enhance teamwork skills, and build responsibility and accountability in their characters.

Apple Box Theater is proud to partner with Western Oregon University and Central High School to provide educational opportunities that last beyond the performances. Students at CHS and WOU gain practical experience running a show while participating. The resources, including people, shared between the three create a stronger and more sustainable community around theater in Monmouth/Independence.

Quotes from Apple Box Kids

Henry  I've been acting with Apple box for 3 years and have made many friends throughout those years. It also gives me something to do during the summer and really keeps me busy!

Stella says it is the best summer activity because there are other kids there. I love the costumes and have learned how to make my voice loud but not yelling.

Blake I've been in and watching Apple box for many years. It's an amazing experience, pretending to be someone, dressing up and making new friends! It inspires my everyday life and everyone is really supportive. It's been an amazing program that I hope continues for long after I leave, and gives kids the chance to be an actor and have fun!

Maggie I’ve been doing Applebox for the third year in a row, and it has been a great part of my summer! I love doing theatre through the high school, so being a part of Applebox has given me the opportunity to grow my theatre experience and work with new people and directors. Everyone is so dedicated and they all try to make the show an incredible experience for everyone!

Elia “I’ve been a part of Applebox for three years. Everybody involved is super supportive, kind, and welcoming. Each production amazes me and I can’t wait for Comedy of Errors to hit the stage!”

Clemma I've been in applebox for four years. This is where I fell in love with theatre, now I get to continue that love in high school. Every year here you see kids growing up, gaining confidence, and most importantly you can see them becoming theatre kids, just like what happened to me. This has been a huge part of my life and I hope this program continues long into the future. I am so glad that Applebox continues to drive the young people our community's passion for theatre, it is a truly great organization.

Indy I have been in Apple Box for three years and loved it. I really found my people and I’m having fun. I love my job and I am excited for the future. Applebox is where I found lots of my friendships and I encourage others to do the same. making sets, props and moving things with my friends is one of my favorite things.

History of Apple Box Children's Theater

Started by WOU (then called Oregon College of Education) professor Don Weiss in the 1970's, Apple Box Children's Theater was re-established in his memory by Rob and Barbara Harriman in 2010. It was a labor of love for them, and relied entirely on volunteers to run. In 2020, Apple Box established a partnership with Central High School and Western Oregon University which leverages the CTE path at CHS with the Theatre Education program at WOU. While the need for volunteers will never cease, this partnership provides a path to move forward in a more sustainable fashion, while providing valuable experience to students in both programs.

The purpose of Apple Box Children's Theater is primarily to have fun! Added benefits are that children gain confidence and develop their abilities to work on a team, as well as learn about the history of theater, classic literature, and what it takes to put a production on.

Typical Apple Box Schedule

Auditions for our early July performance are typically held in April. Everyone who wants to have a part will get one. All kids can participate in Apple Box.

Rehearsals begin in May and take place a few nights a week and on Saturday mornings. After the school year ends, rehearsals move to a nightly schedule (week nights) and continue on Saturdays.

Depending on our performance dates, Apple Box sometimes participates in the Fourth of July parade in Monmouth.

Typically we perform the play on three evenings (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) and we sometimes include a Saturday matinee. 


Executive Producer/ Western Oregon University Liaison 

Maren Bradley Anderson 


Apple Box Children's Theater productions are made possible in part by funding from the Polk County Cultural Coalition, Oregon Cultural Foundation, fiscal sponsorship of the Humanities Division of Western Oregon University, and support from Central High School, the Western Oregon University Theater Department, local businesses and generous private donations.

Now we accept private donations year-round! 

Go to: or click the QR code below. 

Please note in the “Other designation” box that your gift is for "Apple Box Children's Theater."


Much Ado About Nothing 2021 credit: Camila Gabaldon-Winningham

Much Ado About Nothing 2021 credit: Camila Gabaldon-Winningham

Much Ado About Nothing 2021 credit: Camila Gabaldon-Winningham